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R+K9's Apprenticeship Program is designed to provide you with the knowledge and tools to understand the science behind how dogs operate and confidently train them. The program is divided into three components, starting with Foundations. Once Foundations is completed, you can choose to pursue one (or both) of our specialization tracks: Obedience or Behavior Modification. 

R+K9 practices modern, science-based training and behavior modification techniques. We use force-free methods that are results-driven and proven to be successful.

Successful completion of the program is based on knowledge testing and assessments of practical training skills. 



Apprenticeship Foundations

Apprenticeship Foundations is open to anyone who wants to understand the science behind how dogs learn, what governs their behavior, unique characteristics of different breeds, and how to train basic cues and behaviors. The course includes a combination of classroom learning, lively discussion, and invaluable hands-on experience working with all types of dogs and behavior under the guidance of two experienced and successful force-free trainers.


This comprehensive course includes basic and advanced learning concepts, how to train cues, class management, secrets to being a good instructor and coach, troubleshooting skills, how to identify and modify basic behavior issues, and an introduction to obedience and dog sports.

Apprenticeship Foundations Program completion benchmarks are designed to determine you understand and can apply the knowledge and skills you learn. 



Obedience Instructor Track

Upon successful completion of the Apprenticeship Foundations course, students may enroll in R+K9's Apprenticeship Obedience Instructor Track. 

The Obedience Track builds on your Foundations base. We discuss obedience skills in depth and how they fit into the Stages of Learning. Although we focus on advanced obedience and manners skills, we will touch on other subjects as well. We will expand on teaching techniques for both classes and private students, successful class set ups, managing difficulties, writing class curriculums, assessing students and dogs, and communication in a class environment. In addition to learning how to teach owner/dog teams, students will also continue practicing training a variety of individual dogs.


Students will have the opportunity to practice adjusting training to better suit individual dogs, as well as participate in group discussions. They will also be expected to assist in various classes at R+K9.


When students are ready, they will lead various classes which can be logged for those wishing to continue on and prepare for CPDT testing.

Successful completion is based on knowledge testing and assessments of practical training skills.



Behavior Consultant Track

Upon successful completion of R+K9's Apprenticeship Foundations, you may enroll in the Behavior Modification Track, which is designed to provide you with the knowledge and skills necessary to understand, assess and treat common behavior issues. You'll learn how to evaluate dogs, analyze and identify issues, write treatment plans, structure working sessions, and implement behavior modification protocols. 

The program includes reading and video assignments, discussion, case studies, and directly observing and assisting with behavior modification clients. Although the directly observable behavior issues will vary during an apprenticeship, common issues include resource guarding, reactivity toward people and/or dogs, dog-cat interactions, aggression toward people and/or dogs, intra-household aggression, fearfulness, anxiety, and separation issues. 

Successful completion of the Behavior Modification Track is based on formalized knowledge testing, demonstration of knowledge application, and practical assessments of your analytical, consulting, and behavior modification skills.



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