Our Services
Let us take the stress off you and jump start your dog's training. Once the training is completed, we'll show you how to maintain the skills your dog has learned. You'll also have access to our once a month Skills Class and Beyond the Classroom for free! These classes will help you maintain the skills you and your dog have learned, increase your confidence with your dog, and build more resilient behavior in your dog. Limited pick-up and drop-off available. Call for pricing.
All Day Training includes the following,
Three intensive hours of training on Mondays, Thursdays, and Fridays.
Choose the skills you want your dog to learn.
An an enrichment game tailored to your dog, as well as your lifestyle.
Weekly progress reports.
A Final "hand-off" session to help you transition your dog's training to everyday life at home.
Access to a free monthly Skills Class and Beyond the Classroom, to practice with your dog and ask questions.
PET SKILLS focuses on beginning skills for dogs new to training or sharpening skills dogs have learned but need a brush up. All the basic skills such as sit, down, stay, come, leash walking, leave-it, polite greetings, counter-surfing, etc. as well as any skills you would like to add on. ​
SPORT FOUNDATION SKILLS covers all dog sport foundation skills. Including strong handler focus, working with handler at both distance and close proximity, foundation competition heeling, fronts, finishes, positions, and strong impulse control. These behaviors are taught through a series of off and on leash games designed to cultivate teamwork between dog and handler. An excellent choice for high energy dogs!
PET SKILLS continues to build on Level 1 skills with generalization and working more outside on field trips.
SPORT FOUNDATION SKILLS also continues to build on Level 1 skills with distance work, competition heeling duration, sharp and fast positions changes, basic jumping (depending on dog's age), and personalized complex behaviors for sports.
Drop-off as early as 7am and pick-up as late as 6pm. at Doggie Depot. Your dog enjoys small group play sessions or rest, fresh air and a sniffari! Then an afternoon of training at R+K9. R+K9 runs a van shuttle between Doggie Depot and R+K9 (4 minutes drive) at no additional charge.
According to the Americans With Disabilities Act, a person can choose to have a service dog due to a disability. No matter how much training a dog has, it is not a service dog if the handler does not have a disability.
Being a service dog is challenging and requires the right temperament. If you think your dog might be a good service animal candidate, we can evaluate his or her suitability for public access behavior as well as the task training you will need to mitigate your disability. We can also work with existing service dog teams, whether specific challenges come up, or add on more tasks over time!
Our team of experienced professionals will ensure your dog can assist you by performing the tasks you need, has good manners in any environment, and is trained in public access behaviors that are specific to service dogs. We will also build your dog's confidence, independent thinking, and problem-solving skills.
We work with, but are not limited to, the following types of service dogs:
Psychiatric Service Dogs (PTSD, Anxiety, and more)
Mobility Assistance Dogs
Hearing Dogs
Medical Alert Dogs (Diabetic, Seizure, and more)
Autism Assistance Dogs
Seizure Response Dogs
Facility Service Dogs
Seizure Response Dogs
Our Service Dog Training begins by building on our signature Day Camp program for both Level 1 and Level 2, with adjustment to service dog specific requirements. Suitable dogs will then continue on to the next phase, which includes public access and task training for your dog . Lastly, we move onto Teamwork where we teach you and your dog to work together. While we offer an approximate timeline for your dog to graduate each level, your dog will not move on until he or she can demonstrate all skills for that level.
Payments are made monthly as your dog progresses through the program. You can choose to pay in full or take advantage of one of our financing options. We monitor your dog's progress, provide weekly reports, and videos, and a temperament evaluation administered every 3 months. You are free to withdraw your dog from the program with no penalty at any time if you're not satisfied with our training.
R+K9's service dog program follows a day training format. You drop your dog off at our Winchester facility on Mondays, Thursdays, Fridays. Your dog will train from 9am - 11:30am.​​​​
Our service dog instructor ​is both experienced and educated in service dogs. In addition to standard dog training and behavior education, she has completed a rigorous year-long program covering service dog evaluations, temperament testing, training task skills, public access, and understanding disabilities.
Pricing varies depending on your dog's previous training experience. We are also happy to help guide you through fundraising options.
Obedience training teaches your dog to perform specific cued behaviors, while behavior modification addresses your dog’s reaction to a particular person, place, or thing.
A common error is to address a presenting behavior without treating the underlying cause. Eliminating a dog’s aggressive behavior like growling, lunging or shallow bites will not resolve his aggression – it will only suppress the obvious signals. The dog will still experience the same emotions but loses his ability to communicate through warning signals. This is often the case when a dog “bites out of the blue” – he was previously punished for growling.
Behavior modification investigates why your dog reacts the way he does, as well as what triggers his response. When we know what is triggering your dog to react and why, we can intervene and address the underlying cause.
If you’re interested in training your dog to perform cues like Stay, Come, Heel, etc., then obedience training will help you reach your goals. Behavior modification addresses issues like fearfulness or aggression. R+K9 can help whether your dog needs obedience training, behavior modification, or both!
We know just the person to help you and your dog, resolve aggression or fearful issues.
It all starts with an evaluation and pricing will vary.